Scale Your Business Operations

If you’re trying to scale your business you may have worked out that there is a sticking point for business growth which varies widely by industry, but the reasons why so many businesses find it a challenge to grow beyond that sticking point are universal. It’s the point at which the need for investment in resources to handle non-revenue producing or administrative roles exceeds the business profitability mark. So how do you get past that sticking point and into the world of scalable, profitable business operations?
Do You Really Need Additional Resources To Scale Your Business?
The right software can mean the difference between needing a dedicated resource to manage the accounts’ payable function or having one person with the time to easily fulfil multiple roles within your finance department, while maintaining optimum data integrity that produces live, accurate, reportable data for the executive functions.
Software that aligns your business with your industry’s leading operational practices and facilitates automation of processes will mean that your business can rapidly expand the administrative capability of your existing resources while simultaneously improving the accuracy of the data being managed.
Automated Processes To Deliver Business Scalability
Business process automation enables data to flow from one end of your business workflow to the other with minimal or no human interaction. From receiving an invoice to payment of a supplier – the entire process can be automated, while maintaining governance and oversight, even with three-way matching.
If you consider how many people inside your business might be involved in something as simple as payment of an inventory supplier, you have accounting, procurement/purchasing, and the person in your warehouse who receives goods. By eliminating the need for constant physical communication between departments, a single system that allows goods received to be captured electronically, while linking the information to a Purchase Order and Invoice makes it easy to automate the AP process and means staff are able to follow-up with exceptions.
Unexpected Trickle-Down Benefits of Automating Business Processes
Some benefits of Business Process Automation are only seen by the people who work for you. When you automate something as simple as the account payable process you might see that your relationships with your good suppliers is improved because they’re getting paid on time. But, what else happens when your good suppliers get paid on time?
When suppliers aren’t paid on time they make angry phone calls, which are handled by your finance and customer services teams. This people then need to take time away from their productive tasks to investigate issues. By automating processes you’re making your staff’s job easier, faster, and more efficient. This has the additional flow on effect of improving job satisfaction and often engagement, meaning there is lower turnover of skilled and semi-skilled roles.
Selecting Software For Scaling Your Business
The systems we work with here at Ndevr, all support business process automation and business scalability, while differing in the ways in which they support business processes and even size of operations. For example, NetSuite is suited to businesses that range from small, right through to global enterprise in scale. NetSuite comes with industry leading processes baked into the software. So if you are seeking true business transformation that is aligned to industry leading practices across each department, then NetSuite is the solution you should be considering.
Scale Your Business

3 Ways You Can Scale Your Business For Growth
Adding new product lines, launching new subsidiaries or expanding into new markets are common mechanisms of growth, yet they all add operational complexity. Once your business hits a certain point, this increased complexity can be hard to fix without unified systems.